At the heart of Society of St. Vincent de Paul service is the “home visit,” where volunteers, called “Vincentians”, visit neighbors in their homes. Our volunteers make many of these in-home person-to-person visits annually – and it is this unique type of service that we feel is special for both the volunteer and the friend we are assisting. These visits help determine the exact nature and detail of help required. We talk with them, as a friend would; we pray with them; we create a dialogue that allows them to open up to us and share what is truly happening in their lives. We are able to see, first hand, the exact situation in which a person is living and experiencing. People who need help often are not able to take time off from work, arrange for child care, or find transportation to seek resources. Therefore our volunteers go to them. It is here we are able to help someone in need not only with direct assistance but with emotional and spiritual support. Sometimes, our friends are in need of a great deal of help, other times someone to pray with is all that is needed. We are there to let our friends know that someone cares.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has volunteers traveling two-by-two to provide neighbor-to-neighbor assistance while also enriching their own lives. Society of St. Vincent de Paul helps people avoid eviction by providing rent and utility assistance. We strive to eliminate the barriers to self-sufficiency created by poverty, incarceration, homelessness and other distressed situations and turn them into positive and hope-filled new beginnings. The goals are to help people regain self-sufficiency, cultivate positive relationships, and begin to lead responsible lives in their own communities.